Save with an Early Bird Registration to the IQ Visual Mapping Conference

There has been a great deal of excitement and buzz with regard to the October 3, 2008 Conference " Visual Mapping As a Systematic Framework for Business Success. "
And now we are offering a special Early Bird Registration of $375 dollars which is a $50 dollar savings. To take advantage of this savings Click here. Look for Educator & Student Discounts coming soon.
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And now we are offering a special Early Bird Registration of $375 dollars which is a $50 dollar savings. To take advantage of this savings Click here. Look for Educator & Student Discounts coming soon.
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On October 3, 2008 come join us for a full day conference on how to use visual mapping to your advantage in your organization. Learn how to take visual mapping to the next level and see just how powerful a tool this can be, to help you reach your personal, academic, or business goals.
The conference will be hosted and led by Brian S. Friedlander, Ph.D. and his professional team of preeminent visual mappers who include: Adam Clayman, Stephanie Diamond, Chuck Frey, Arjen Ter Hoeve, Kyle McFarlin, and Wallace Tait. His assembled team comes from such areas as banking, psychology, manufacturing, business management, marketing and college teaching.

Mindjet is a Corporate Sponsor of the Event
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