Tether for BlackBerry

Just the other day I was doing an observation in a school and so I decided to take my Acer Netbook with me to capture the teacher's lesson. While doing the observation I wanted to access some of my files on my GoogleDocs account but was blocked from using the school's Wi-Fi network. Having been aware of Tether for BlackBerry, I decided to do some research and see if it could help me to get on the web using my Blackberry. Tether for BlackBerry is an application that lets you use your smartphone to access the web from anywhere that you have cellular coverage. So when I went to the Tether home page as saw that they were running a promotion of $29 dollars for the application so I jumped at the opportunity. In order to use Tether you simply download and install the Tether application to your PC and your BlackBerry. Once the installation is complete you run Tether from your PC and then connect your BlackBerry via the USB cable to the computer. Now simply run the Tether application from your BlackBerry. That's all there is to do. Now you can start surfing the web without any additional charges. If you do have a computer with Bluetooth that is another option to consider. Getting up and running was effortless and for the price, I now know that I can get on the web whenever I have my computer and my BlackBerry at my side. The connection was fast and was quite reliable. I will be visiting the school again tomorrow and I'm ready to surf the web with Tether for BlackBerry. So give Tether a try is a great application to have to ensure that you can get on the web wherever you may be!


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