Eyes-Free Typing App Fleksy Coming to Android With One Major Advantage Over iOS Version

Fleksy the eyes-free typing app that originally debuted for iOS is now available in beta for Android. Fleksy uses gestures and text prediction to allow users to type without looking a the screen. Fleksy can be extremely helpful for the blind and visually impaired and can dramatically increase typing speed people who cannot see the screen. Unlike the iOS version the Android version can replace the default keyboard and be used with any app. In iOS you cannot use Fleksy in an email app or with the messages app but on Android you can. Besides integration with Android apps the Android version will be similar to the iOS version. Android users can try the Fleksy by visiting the Fleksy Beta Google+ page.

Click read more below to view a video about Fleksy.

Just Keep Moving-LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset

In my effort to walk towards better health I was a little stymied when I wanted to listen to my music on my iPhone as I was walking tethered to the supplied Apple Ear-buds. Looking for a better solution, I came across the LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset which looked like it could foot the bill. I was able to find them for about $46 dollars online and ordered a pair to try out. The LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo
LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset
Headset has a unique design which is makes it ideal for anyone that may be walking or running. The LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset goes around your neck and the ear buds are attached on each side of the arc for easy placement in your ears. The volume controls and Rewind and Fast-forward controls can be found on either side of the headset. The LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset is also equipped with a microphone which can be used to answer in-coming calls. After charging the LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset with the supplied Micro- USB charger, I found the headset easy to pair up to my iPhone 4S and within seconds I was up and running. Just today I took a walk on a trail near my home and used my LG-HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset as I walked. It is great being hands free and be able to listen to my favorite music as I do my walk. And yes walking to the Doors and Led Zeppelin did in fact help me pick up the pace-turned in my best walking times today on my 4 mile walk :-).

Prizmo 2.0 for iOS Released With Cool New Features

Prizmo 2.0 for iOS was just released in the App Store. Prizmo now works on the iPad as well as the iPhone and iPod Touch. The update includes many exciting new features. The original version of Prizmo included optical character recognition (OCR) but did not include the ability to scan documents to a PDF or text file. The PDF files are not just images but include searchable text. Prizmo 2.0 also allows users to export the documents to other apps.

To create a new document in Prizmo you can simply take a picture of multiple pages. Prizmo will automatically detect the edges of the page. In version 2.0 you no longer have to crop documents manually. Once you have captured all of the pages you can recognize the text of the document which is surprisingly fast and accurate. If the Prizmo does make a mistake you can edit the OCR zones or manually edit the text. After the text has been recognized you can email or export the document as a PDF or text document or read the text using built-in text-to-speech. The text is highlighted as it is read aloud which can be helpful for people with dyslexia  Unfortunately you can only read one page of the document at a time using the built-in text-to-speech. In addition, it is important to note that each text-to-speech voice costs $2.99.

Prizmo is still a great tool for quickly reading printed documents using text-to-speech and now is one of the best PDF scanning apps. Most PDF scanning apps such as Scanner Pro only make an image PDF with no text but Prizmo creates PDFs with searchable text.

Prizmo 2.0 includes a new feature to help blind and visually impaired users line-up a document. Because it would be virtually impossible for the blind to take a well aligned picture of a document with out assistance Prizmo voices directions through VoiceOver. If a user has VoiceOver turned on it will tell a blind or visually impaired user which direction to move their device in order to get the perfect shot.

Prizmo is on sale fo $5.99 in the App Store. Click read more below to view screenshots of Prizmo 2.0.

NaviDys Browser for iPad Makes Reading the Web Easier

NaviDys is a web browser for the iPad. The app allows full customization of a website's font, line spacing, letter spacing, and text size. Currently it is only available on the iPad not the iPhone or iPod Touch. While it feels very much like the built in Safari browser that comes with the iPad, NaviDys has features that make it easier to read the web. For people with low vision the ability to enlarge fonts and increase spacing is beneficial. Also, for dyslexics NaviDys includes the Dyslexie font. But using a third party browser does not come without trade offs. You cannot open links from other apps directly into NaviDys. Unlike Safari NaviDys does not include a reader mode to remove distractions from web pages. NaviDys costs $2.99 from the App Store.

Click read more below to view screenshots of NaviDys.

Walking to Health

Oh the years do catch up to you and when I turned and looked at myself in October 2012, I knew I had to chart a new course with regards to my weight and health, and so I decided to make some changes. I joined Weight Watchers in mid October and have been attending the meetings religiously which has helped to keep me focused and on track with their program. Each week our Weight Watcher leader encourages us to talk about a topic that  pertains to changing behaviors and thinking about food differently. Having a group of supportive members in the meeting allows us to share new strategies and tactics to help propel us in the right direction. As much as it is a diet - it is really about changing your attitudes and behaviors with regards to food and one's life style. Weight Watchers really instills in you the
importance of looking at the ingredients and the size of the food portions. Using their helpful Weight Watchers app for the iPhone, I can quickly determine the Point value and decide if it something that I will add to a meal- which is invaluable when I am shopping. During the meetings there is a great deal of emphasis on getting off of the couch and keeping active which I have really embraced. Of course being a gadget guy- I knew that in order for me to embrace this change, I needed to throw a gadget or two into the mix and so I decided to purchase a FitBit Zip- which I have been wearing for the past 6 months-which syncs up with my iPhone. The FitBit Zip is a really small digital pedometer that I wear on my belt throughout the day to track my steps and the distance I have walked. It is extremely unobtrusive and has worked flawlessly for the past 6 months providing me with the necessary feedback and encouragement. Yes- encouragement. You see if I walk the 10,000 steps a day it sends me nice messages and keeps me motivated. The feedback and the charting of my activity has really helped me to continue to lose weight on my journey.

I recently got my Kickstarter Pebble Smartwatch and have been using it with the RunKeeper app for the iPhone which has added another dimension to my exercise. Utilizing both technologies I can now track my walk and see the distance, pace, and time on my Pebble Smartwatch. Every five minutes RunKeeper will announce my progress and tell me my pace which really keeps me on track. Once I am home, I can go to the RunKeeper web page and look at the route I just walked, which is a lot of fun. Having tools like the
FitBit Zip and RunKeeper are keeping me motivated to stay on task and continue my new regiment. During this past week, I have walked 31 miles and continue to shed weight as I move closer and closer to my goal. Having joined Weight Watchers has been a god send and has motivated me to make the changes in my diet and activity level which will propel me to good health. For those of you out there who struggle as I do with weight management-commit yourself to a program - add a spice of technology- and walk your way to better health! You will be glad you did- I am!

Kindle App For iOS Updated With VoiceOver Support

Today Amazon updated their Kindle iOS app with VoiceOver support. VoiceOver  is a gesture controlled screen reader for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch designed to help the blind and visually impaired. The text-to-speech feature can benefit people with dyslexia as well. Amazon describes the new features as follows,
"Accessibility features make it easier for blind and visually impaired customers to navigate their Kindle libraries, read & interact with books, and more. Enable VoiceOver in your device settings to begin."
VoiceOver support for the Kindle app comes shortly after the Nook app was updated with VoiceOver support. Despite VoiceOver support it is possible that certain books may have accessibility issues that make them inaccessible. Irronically, the Kindle iOS app is now more accessible for the blind and vissually impaired than physical Kindles. Kindle for iOS is avalible as a free update in the App Store.

Click read more to view screenshots of the Kindle app.